Google likes Shining Light Books

I’m happy to share that Linda and I have been working on an online Waldorf bookstore called Shining Light Books and Google’s not only seen it, but we’re the #1 match for the search “waldorf books”. That’s great, because once we get everything built and our final design in place, our intent is to share a percentage of our profits with one or more Waldorf organizations, starting with AWSNA, the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America…

So please, feel free to pop over to our new waldorf bookstore, browse, tell us what you think would make it more helpful and useful (for example, we’re thinking of letting people add their own ratings of books on our site, so really good ones bubble to the top of the lists), and, of course, please don’t hesitate to get inspired and buy a book or two, secure in the knowledge that Amazon is our backend fulfillment partner.

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