We’re very, very pleased to share that after some discussion with magazine editor Jody McLaughlin, we’ve been granted the right to replicate any of the excellent articles from The Compleat Mother magazine.
If you have never heard of this publication, you owe it to yourself to not only visit their Web site but to subscribe. It’s a remarkable bargain at only $12/year and well worth it, even if just for the Letters to the Editor section, which is one of our favorite sections of the magazine.
But The Compleat Mother is also a great way to stay plugged into the attachment parenting community along with the natural birth community, something you’d find particularly helpful if you’re not in a city with a strong counterculture and support for your non-mainstream approach to parenting.
We’ve heard it again and again: Being an isolated parent is no fun!
If you’d like to recommend an article from their archive please don’t hesitate to contact us and let us know what you’d like to see!