Jury duty scam leads to identity theft

As if there aren’t enough things for us to be worried about as parents, I just read on my friend Audri Lanford’s Scambusters site about a new identity theft scam that is exactly the kind of thing that’d work with a harried parent…
There’s a new twist that scammers and identity thieves are using to commit identity theft: the jury duty scam.
Here’s how it works: The scammer calls you claiming to work for the courts in your county, then explains that you’ve failed to report for jury duty. He or she then regretfully tells you that a warrant has been issued for your arrest.

The victim will typically then – rightly – claim that they never received any sort of jury duty notification and the scammer, without missing a beat, then asks the victim for confidential information for “verification” purposes.
Specifically, the scammer will ask for the victim’s birth date, home address, Social Security Number, and sometimes even for credit card numbers and other private information — exactly what a scammer needs to steal the victim’s identity!
So far, this jury duty scam has been reported in Ohio, Michigan, Oregon, Minnesota, Texas, Arizona, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Washington state.
It’s easy to see why this works too: The victim is caught completely off guard, scared that they’ll be arrested and understandably upset at the prospect of a warrant being issued for their arrest. As a result, the victim is then much less likely to be vigilant about protecting their confidential information.
In reality, of course, employees of the Court will never call you to ask for your birth date, social security number and other private information. In fact, the majority of local courts follow up missed jury duty via physical mail and rarely, if ever, call prospective jurors.
Our recommendation is the same for any other person who calls you and asked for this sort of information: Never give out your Social Security number, credit card numbers or other personal confidential information when you receive a telephone call.
If you think there’s even a tiny chance it’s legitimate, ask for their name, look up the court’s number in your phone book, and ask to be reconnected to that person. But they’ll have some excuse, some reason why you can’t call them back, and that’s your warning that it’s indeed a scam.
This reprehensible jury duty scam is just the latest in a series of identity theft scams where scammers call, trying to get people to reveal their credit card numbers, Social Security number, birth dates and other personal confidential information.
It doesn’t matter why they are calling, after all, they’re all just variants on the same basic scam. Fortunately, protecting yourself is simple: Never give this information out when you receive a phone call.
Thanks to Scambusters for letting us know about this one! You can also read their very good information on protecting yourself from identity theft.

5 comments on “Jury duty scam leads to identity theft

  1. I read another Net rumor recently – I don’t know if it’s true – but one guy claimed that a kid at a restaurant tried to take a cell-phone photo of his credit card.
    Fortunately (according to the story), he had the same kind of phone & recognized the beeps the camera makes when taking a digital picture.
    The kid set his phone down by the register & went away, so the guy picked it up, found the photo of his credit card & deleted it, then put the phone back before the kid returned.
    Ya gotta be SO careful these days…

  2. it is scary to know that people would try this scam,but they obviously think they can get by with it. thanks for letting us know.

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