Babywearing: it’s not just for babies!

If visions of infants in slings and wraps typically come to mind when you think of babywearing, you might be pleasantly surprised to find out that your carriers can still be quite beneficial for toting your toddler around.
You may not be able to carry your (slightly larger) bundle of joy as long as you once did, but nevertheless you can still get plenty of use out of your carrier. Just like younger babies, toddlers enjoy seeing the world from an adult’s point of view. Carrying your toddler on your hip or back can incite new conversations with your child about everyday events that he may not have experienced otherwise.

Although your little one may want to show his independence by walking, at some point during your outing he may become too tired to keep going. Having a carrier on hand for a situation such as this is much easier than pushing and empty stroller around.
Popping your toddler into a carrier when you go out for a walk or to run errands is also a great way for you work some exercise into your day. After all, carrying a 30 pound toddler will exert far more energy than wearing an 8 pound newborn.
As long your child is still within the recommended weight range for your carrier and it’s still in good condition (no fraying or tears), I suggest you give toddlerwearing a try next time you are out and about.
If you weren’t really into babywearing when your child was younger, but are ready to give it another go, I would suggest a Mei Tai carrier. Not only is this Asian style carrier comfortable for you to wear, but it’s also versatile and can be worn on your chest, hip or back. Wraps (if you are up for the challenge) and hip carriers are also great choices for carrying a toddler while shopping or running errands.
[Ed note: I have very fond memories of toting my toddlers in a sling, actually. Made it really easy for them to relax into a “piggy back ride” among other things, and when they can hold on instead of you perpetually being hyper-alert that a tiny infant might fall out, it’s a big win! — Dave]

This article was contributed by Elizabeth from Baby Carriers Direct.

2 comments on “Babywearing: it’s not just for babies!

  1. My baby loves walking, but it always seems to be in the wrong direction (which automatically makes it the right direction, unless I’m in a hurry). So when we went to the museum, eventually I sat him on my shoulders, but got told off by a bored guard.
    I don’t know about a toddler sling, but my best childhood memories involve shoulder-sitting, so I’m trying to do that as much as I can (and as much as he’ll let me).

  2. Until the next baby, the only one I get to “babywear” is my 4 year old–approx 35 lbs! We don’t do it daily, but it’s a life saver at the zoo or flea market . . . anywhere with a lot of walking!
    I love a mei tai but wraps work even better for this age because your child never gets too big for it!

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