The Town is built upon a cinematic cliché, the repentant criminal who finds it almost impossible to escape his surroundings, environment and peers. Fortunately, director Ben Affleck does a terrific job with the source material and has produced a gritty, exciting and satisfying crime film that ranks with the best of its genre.
I really enjoyed the cinematography in The Town too. Most directors have limited imagination when it comes to camera work, the point of view always suggesting the camera is an additional character in the scene. In the modern world, however, we’re constantly on film, and more than once The Town switches to silent closed-circuit footage, or, at one point, closed-circuit video with a high, whining buzz. Reminiscent of the Mexican indie Caja Negra (see my review of Caja Negra), it’s a terrific cinematographic touch in a well-filmed movie.
I too thoroughly enjoyed the flick, full of action and tension. I really did like it … My only gripe as you saw was Hollywood beating us over the head with the location. Being a bit more subtle would’ve supported a good movie. But yep, Afleck impressed.
Right on! Glad to read such a positive review of this movie, which I thoroughly enjoyed, myself! One of Affleck’s best, in my humble opinion. Thanks for the review, Dave!
Affleck is a good writer, but a horrible actor…At least his acting was up to par with the rest of the cast in this one, however.
The Doug/Claire romance took up much too much of this film, imho.