I’m not a particularly paranoid person, but there are times that I can be a bit suspicious about coincidences or “kismet”, things that are almost impossibly unlikely to have happened as they did. I’m not alone: sci-fi writer Philip K. Dick made a career out of asking “what’s behind the scenes” in a vast body of disturbing and thought-provoking stories, including Blade Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report, Next and Paycheck. Add The Adjustment Bureau to this list, with the story adapted to the big screen by director George Nolfi.
There’s a retro feel to The Adjustment Bureau that has just as much to do with the cinematography of John Toll as set design and the Mad Men-esque costumes of the mysterious Bureau. At times I wished that they’d filmed it all in black & white. Contemporary Manhattan and the outer boroughs have a timelessness to them that is mirrored in our gradual understanding of just who the watchers are and what The Plan is.
Holy smokes, Dave! Great review!!! That rocked, and would so make me want to see the movie, if I hadn’t already, but now… I want to own it, too! Thanks!