I still haven’t made it to the Real Pirates exhibit at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, but my friends that have universally rave about it. Worse is that I actually have free tickets courtesy of Delta Dental of Colorado. Soon.
Meanwhile, though, you can also score free tickets and even possibly win a trip to Walt Disney World if you’re really lucky! Now, how do I sign up for that? Oh, I can’t, because of my involvement with the promotion. Well, heck!
Most important, go to TreasureYourSmile.com and use promo code 8734 for a chance to win the Real Pirate tickets and be entered into a monthly drawing for a Sonicare toothbrush and the grand prize drawing for a trip to Walt Disney World.
The Real Pirates ticket contest, however, is long since over! Sorry ’bout that.
I have to note, however, that this is a pretty savvy promotion. I mean, why would Delta Dental have a giveaway tied to a Pirate exhibit at a local museum? I’ll let them explain it:
“Pirates weren’t known for their healthy smiles. Truth is most swashbucklers had poor oral health, and unfortunately, many children in Colorado share this same affliction.
As a major supporter of the Real Pirates exhibition at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, Delta Dental of Colorado, the state’s largest dental benefits provider, is hoping to educate Colorado children and families about how to keep cavities at bay.”
Perhaps the next tie-in for the Pirates exhibit would be axe body wash, because I’m sure that just as they had bad dental hygiene, those pirates also stunk to heaven with their miserable bathing habits. Then again, until relatively recently, most people were suspicious of the ill health effects of bathing and tended to wash alarmingly infrequently. Ever wonder why the French invented perfume? Yeah, yuch.
This looks like fun… anything with Pirates and Disney has got to be! Thanks for sharing on Facebook. 🙂
Hope there will be another pirate exhibit and a free ticket giveaway. 🙂