John Carter is based on a pulp science fiction story from the golden era of science fiction, written by a popular author who is now better known for his series of Tarzan the Ape Man books, a story that transplants the political tensions of Europe and the world just before World War I broke out to the Red Planet Mars.
In John Carter, Mars is inhabited by a complicated world of different races, including the Red Men of Zodanga and Helium, the savage wild Tharks and the all-powerful Therns, a group of wise and powerful men who manipulate the other races for their own nefarious ends. The war that Carter encounters is ostensibly between the Zodangans and the Heliumites, the former led by the ruthless Sab Than (Dominic West) and the latter by the weak Tardos Mors (Ciarán Hinds), King of Helium and father to Princess Dejah Thoris. In fact, we learn that the Therns are secretly behind the war that’s raged for a thousand years, in the person of Matai Shang (Mark Strong).
Somebody is going to be so fired for this one. It is no surprise that the economy is in pieces when you see projects being green-lit, like this one.
I think the strong points of the movie is the excellent effects, which is great on 3D. However, I may somehow been less satisfied with how the plot was delivered, though the ending was really good.
I found this film to be one of the best to hit the screen in years, a rival to the likes of Avatar, and as you say, reminiscent of Star Wars and Indiana Jones. Very much an epic, large scale visually-oriented film, but story line is refreshingly unique and engaging. I enjoyed the humorous banter, similar to what made the early Star Wars movies so much fun. I just bought the 3-D Blue Ray release and look forward to enjoying this movie over and over again!