Corn Maze Season is Coming at Anderson Farms

Anderson Farms Erie CO logoEvery autumn I look forward to the majesty of the trees changing, the cool evenings and, yes, the snow. I’m not much of a skier (give me a beach any day of the week) but there’s something about waking up and looking out the window to see the neighborhood covered in that white stuff, icicles hanging from the eaves and everyone bundled up in their scarves and hats!

It also means that it’s coming up on Halloween, something that I admit my kids like more than I do nowadays. But still, that’s fun too, all the little munchkins in their outfits unwittingly playing out cultural stories with their memes brought to life. Is Halloween becoming a bit more macabre and a lot more sexy than it was when I was a kid? I certainly think so. The holiday was far more benign back in the day and I’m pretty sure that the increasingly sexy costumes we see — even for little ones! — are a very modern reflection of our changing cultural mores.

More important than masks and candy, however, autumn also marks the beginning of corn maze season, and there’s no better corn maze in Colorado than Anderson Farms in Erie, Colorado, kinda sorta midway between Denver, Boulder and Fort Collins. (you can see it on Google maps if you’d like: Where is Anderson Farms?)

I’ve gone with my kids and their friends almost every year and we have fun stories and memories, including one year when G- got angry at us and ran into the maze to hide. 30min later we were still looking for him, and him looking for us. We found him. Eventually. 🙂

anderson farms corn maze 2014

There’s more at Anderson Farms than just a whopper of a corn maze, however, especially for the little ones. Panning for gold, kiddie train rides, and last year there was a sort of industrial pumpkin slingshot target game in the far field, something way harder than it sounds. But really fun.

We’re heading to Anderson Farms this year for sure and if you are too, you definitely want to grab this handy $2/off each admission coupon from ColoradoKids to make sure you have money for some of the delicious food they sell: Save on Anderson Farms admission with ColoradoKids.

Now where’s that mapping app for my iPhone?

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post and Anderson Farm has given us free tickets to the farm in return for us hosting this content on our site. Sweet deal, really!

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