Cinema can explore the most intimate of topics or the grandest, and sometimes the stories can be connected in surprising ways. How much difference is there between our relationship to each other and our relationship with the universe after all? It’s the intersection between these two core stories that makes Interstellar one of the most powerful films of 2014 and one of the best science fiction films of a very long time. The film is set in a dismal…Read More
Review: The Dark Knight Rises
I really enjoyed The Dark Knight Rises as another epic story from Chris Nolan. It has great action sequences, a tortured main character, interesting back story, a villain with layers we don’t begin to understand until near the end of the film, two love interests, Anne Hathaway in a skin tight leather jumpsuit (did I just say that?) and the cinematic vision of one of the very best directors currently working in Hollywood. Even better,…Read More
Review: Alice in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll’s immortal story Alice in Wonderland has been brought to the big screen many times, notably 1951’s animated Disney classic that memorialized the different characters in the story for many adults. With 61 title matches in the Internet Movie Database, it’s safe to say it’s a popular starting point for movie makers. That’s an intimidating challenge, especially for a director like Tim Burton who generally tackles stories that haven’t been shown in film before and…Read More