Transnational borders are always interesting places, whether it’s the no-man’s zone between East and West Germany in a tense Cold War drama or the imaginary line between nations in the middle of an ocean or sea. The gripping joint Canal+/Sky Atlantic TV series The Tunnel starts with the discovery of a corpse in the access area of the Chunnel, the subterranean high speed train tunnel that connects England and France. But it’s not just a…Read More
Review: ’71
Years of ceaseless tension between the Protestants and the Catholics in Ireland spawned “The Troubles”, as it was called, a name that doesn’t begin to suggest the horror of neighbor fighting neighbor in cities like Belfast, cities where an alleyway, or a courtyard between two apartment buildings served as the front lines. Set in 1971 at the height of The Troubles, this riveting thriller follows young British soldier Gary Hook (Jack O’Connell) as his squadron’s pulled…Read More